Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A February 27th with more work then a mule could handle

After a tough weekend on the slopes, time to go back to school and work my butt off. There's so much stuff to do with not much time to spare, but I can still squeeze some time to see my love. Even tought time is scarce school work is getting done on time.
For my Design class I needed to find a product to show, so I chose the new Nvidia GeForce graphics card, the GeForce 8800 series, including the most powerfull 768MB GTX model and the GTS model wich comes in both 640MB and 320MB.

Here is a link to the official site.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A February 20th full of happyness

Après une superbe fin de semaine de ski dans la grosse poudreuse à Bromont, le retour à l'école est inévitable. Au moins une jolie surprise m'y attends; une jolie sagnéenne! Que pourrait-on vouloir de plus dans ce monde? Peut-être une nouvelle tempête de neige, ou bien que la pluit annoncée se change en neige, qu'importe tant que ma jolie sagnéenne reste à mes cotés. Certains disent que nous ne pouvons changer notre destin, mais nous pouvons quand même essayer de le changer pour le meilleur.

"Those who follow blindly, are also deaf to reason."

Premier vidéo de saut en monoski dans le Snow Park de Bromont:

Deuxième vidéo de saut en monoski dans le Snow Park de Bromont:

Thursday, February 15, 2007

A February 15th with a hell lot of snow!

The snowstorm has fallen on us and has given us what we prayed for; even more snow that we could have dreamed of. Close to 50 centimeters of snow has fallen and with the wind snow has accumulated next to houses. Here I leave you with a photo of my front door.

*Photo coming soon, need to resize it*

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A January 14th with snow falling all-around

Today is the day, it has finally arrived, our snowstorm we have been awaiting for so long has arrived and is covering everything in a beautifull coat of white pure snow. The forecast calls for close to 40 centimers of pure blissfull snow over the next few days, but we hope for more. Already today some places in the eastern townships have registered close to a foot of snow! This weekend is gonna be pure joy for all winter loving people like myself. For now I must go, but be reassured I will be back with more, and maybe even with pictures of this beautyfull snow.

Monday, February 5, 2007

A January 5th, rules are rules

Since I attend a french institution, and this blog is linked to some school work, I will have to add some french segments to please them. So this is the first message to be shown in french, but fear not I will mix it up between english and french.

Une autre fin de semaine de passer, et une autre semaine d'école qui commence. Au moins le souvenir de la nouvelle neige est encore fraiche dans ma mémoire pour me faire survivre jusqu'à vendredi. Espérons au moins que les cours ne soient pas trop plate. L'inspiration semble manqué un peu alors je vous laisse sur celà.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

A Febuary 1st with even more snow

Get up this morning to even more snow falling from heaven onto this earth around me. Its getting white everywhere and thats how I like it. We need more, we always do, but we can still live with what we have. Time to go skiing, and relaxing, and maybe party too if I get the chance. I leave you with some lyrics from a song by an east coast rapper called Classified.

"It's all about you
So every morning when you wake, before the first step that you take
Just think its all what you make it, and youll make it thru "
It's all bout U - Classified ft. Chad Hatcher