Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A February 27th with more work then a mule could handle

After a tough weekend on the slopes, time to go back to school and work my butt off. There's so much stuff to do with not much time to spare, but I can still squeeze some time to see my love. Even tought time is scarce school work is getting done on time.
For my Design class I needed to find a product to show, so I chose the new Nvidia GeForce graphics card, the GeForce 8800 series, including the most powerfull 768MB GTX model and the GTS model wich comes in both 640MB and 320MB.

Here is a link to the official site.


Sonia Varin said...

Yo te quiero mi amor

Anonymous said...

L'amour de la neige ainsi que la création d'images sont dans les gènes de William

"MontBlanc logo
"This company, owned by three businessmen, Claus Johannes Voss, Christian Lausen and William Dziambor, in 1910, created the name after inspiration from the "Montblanc" mountain, which is the largest European mountain in France. They then developed a logo in 1913 and used a small circle-based design to depict the snow-covered tip of the mountain and the fine quality of the pens they manufacture. "
