Thursday, February 1, 2007

A Febuary 1st with even more snow

Get up this morning to even more snow falling from heaven onto this earth around me. Its getting white everywhere and thats how I like it. We need more, we always do, but we can still live with what we have. Time to go skiing, and relaxing, and maybe party too if I get the chance. I leave you with some lyrics from a song by an east coast rapper called Classified.

"It's all about you
So every morning when you wake, before the first step that you take
Just think its all what you make it, and youll make it thru "
It's all bout U - Classified ft. Chad Hatcher

1 comment:

wolf said...

This was my first but not last visit. Hope you will get plenty more snow to do some great skiing. Kepp the good news coming. No snow to shovel here in Bangkok, only sunshine and mild wheather. Wolf